So that you can make a lasting impression on your new flame on the first date, we reveal what women are guaranteed to go for – from the hairstyle to the fragrance.
We can safely skip the chapter “Basic body hygiene” at this point. Every man should be familiar with the fact that neither garlic flags, the smell of sweat nor dirty fingernails make a good impression. So let’s get straight to the subtleties that women pay attention to.
Would you rather go on a first date with a beard or clean-shaven?
Simple question, which is not quite easy to answer. Because beards polarize strongly. While some women see in a beard the ultimate masculinity, for others, making out with a full beard wearer does not even come into the bag. In 2016, scientists from the University of Queensland investigated the question of how sexy beards look to women. The result of the study is quite hairy: Only a few of the women surveyed said they found full beards sexy. Longer beard stubble had the most erotic effect on the participants. However, according to the researchers, most women saw full-bearded men as more suitable partners for a committed relationship. Incidentally, clean-shaven men’s faces scored the worst.
The right hairstyling for the date is casual, not careless.
The hairstyle is often neglected – but women like well-groomed men’s hair. And very important: a clean neck! Wildly sprouting stubble or a haircut that has grown out are considered quite a love killer in the ladies’ world. So before a date, have your hair cut again, or at least shave off the back of your neck. You should use gel and co. sparingly. Otherwise, a toxic “paint monkey” could shoot through the head of your date.
How much perfume is too much for a first date?
You can score points with a good perfume. Especially in autumn and winter, warm and woody scents are particularly pleasant and attractive. But it is better to apply only two spritzes, so that the smell is perceived discreetly and does not fill the entire room. Bet that after the date she texts her best friend: “He smelled really good…”.
What to do when a pimple sprouts now?
Why do skin blemishes always appear when an important appointment – or a date – is coming up? If you notice a budding pimple one or even two days beforehand, you can counteract it with cleansing gel and anti-pimple gel with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. In this way, a possible monster pimple will in the best case only become an inconspicuous reddening. Under no circumstances should you press on skin blemishes, because the area usually becomes inflamed and then glows alarm red – even weeks after the date.
What are the grooming no-go’s for the first date?
Yes, women love well-groomed men. But please style in moderation, because too much of a good thing quickly looks vain. At the top of the no-go list for many women, by the way, are over-plucked eyebrows. So it’s better to just touch up a bit when two brows slowly become one. You shouldn’t overdo it when it comes to your complexion either: Of course, it’s good to get some sun now and then, but women are less likely to go for an artificial-looking complexion from a solarium.
Another dating tip: Women love it when men come up with something creative for the meeting. If SHE notices that HE has put some thought and effort into it, you have pretty good cards.
Before you start thinking too much before the date and end up looking cramped, you should know that a sympathetic and authentic manner is far more attractive to women than an expensive perfume or an elaborate hairstyle. The main thing is and remains that you remain true to yourself and feel comfortable in your skin through and through.
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