You and this insane woman have just disappeared into the bedroom and she’s dropping her clothes for the first time. Where do your eyes wander to first? We asked over 12,000 men
For highly scientific purposes (or perhaps out of pure self-interest), we asked Men’s Health readers where they look first when they see a naked woman. More than 12,000 of our users made clear statements about the most interesting parts of a woman’s body. We think this calls for a small award ceremony for the hottest body parts:
1st place for the breasts
Your dream girl is standing stark naked in your bedroom, how do you react? Do you stare like the majority of all men (45%) first at her bulging bust? There’s nothing to be said against that, thank evolution. Above all, the things sit exactly in the middle field of vision and stand out clearly from the shoulders and abdomen. No wonder! 51% of women also firmly believe in their breasts as the absolute eye-catcher.
Second place for belly and hips
Now 25 % let their gaze slowly, very slowly, wander downward. The first stop is then the belly and hips. No wonder: after all, the belly button is one of the 6 erogenous zones of women.
Bronze title for the butt
12% quietly let their gaze wander a little further until they now meet the lady’s sexy butt.
Many women know exactly (11%) what kind of effect it has on the male primal sex drive and deliberately stage their rear end for them.
Praise for the face
You should rather not hang that on the big bell that you look her only after the body in the face (11%). On the other hand the women of WomensHealth.de knew that already quite exactly (11%) and feel with a “Wow, you are damn sexy” quite certainly not offended, but a sincerely meant compliment for their beautiful eyes or their contagious laughter can certainly not hurt nevertheless.
Consolation prizes for intimate area, feet and thighs
These 3 zones occupied only values of less than 10%. We suspect: The intimate zone doesn’t mind, because you still devote a lot of deserved attention to it afterwards.
By the way, the most important finding was: women know exactly where men look at them first. Because in all areas they answered the survey in the same way as the men and recognized quite smartly where their preferences are.
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