What tattoos reveal about the wearer

You desire a tattooed woman? A psychologist explains the hidden meaning of tattoo motifs

Every woman sends out signals. Only a few are clear, many are rather mysterious. A tattoo on the delicate skin can help. Every motif has a meaning. Psychologist Dirk Hofmeister from the University of Leipzig researches body modifications and gives you a crash course in “tattooed women”. Before you read the signs, first note what percentage of their skin is covered. First, tattoo size reveals a lot about the wearer.

Mini tattoos are mostly meaningless body jewelry

A small tattoo is usually just a decorative mark. “At conventions, I often meet women who do not associate any message with their tattoos,” says expert Hofmeister. “They are simply fashion statements.”

But: “Every tattoo is a signal, an offer to communicate. Whoever gets a tattoo sends out a signal: It’s okay to talk about it.” So go for it, talk to her!

Good to know: “The higher the social status, the smaller the tattoos.” In fact, at higher job levels, people have to be careful that tattoos are not always visible, as they do not conform to customs. So a small rose on the shoulder usually indicates more of an adapted executive, totally painted arms on a fierce warrior.

Many or large tattoos stand for non-conformity

If more than half of the body is decorated, it’s already difficult in terms of time alone to read everything. What is clear is that she is an absolute fan. And probably, from a certain point on, she wasn’t just about making statements, she’s just into being tattooed and continuing to be tattooed. Plus, in all likelihood, she wants a man who’s into tattoos, too – at least hers. “Surveys show a tendency for women with larger tattoos to be more maladjusted and less likely to conform to conventions,” says the psychologist.

Where is the tattoo located?

Not only the size, but also the location of the tattoo allows conclusions to be drawn.

  • If you get a tattoo on your neck, you send a clear signal: This tattoo is an important part of me, so it should always be visible. This speaks for non-conformity, but also testifies to openness and courage.
  • A tattoo on the back often remains hidden. That doesn’t necessarily mean she wants to hide it: “Some motifs only fit there because of their size,” Hofmeister explains.
  • A tattoo on the chest or in the décolleté should not be an invitation to stare at it all the time. “But of course, such a tattoo is intended to attract attention in an aesthetic sense, to highlight the breast region. Here are also rarely found theme-related motifs, rather decorative,” says the researcher.
  • “Thigh tattoos are hard on the rise, probably also because they are not always visible and can contain personal messages,” says the psychologist.
  • In the intimate area, a tattoo usually means nothing, except: she wants to look good there, too.
  • A tattoo on the ankle is for women what the upper arm is for men: the classic among tattoo sites. So rather standard variant and nothing particularly expressive. The motif is usually not large. “This region is extremely sensitive to pain, and that’s why many refrain from long sessions,” the expert knows.

Tattoo symbols and their meaning

The core of every tattoo is, of course, the motif: is it just harmless decoration or a symbol with a much deeper meaning? So that you know how to interpret the tattoos on female bodies correctly, we have taken a closer look at the most common signs on the skin.

Anchor & Co.

Sailors were the first tattooed Europeans, maritime motifs such as anchor or compass belong to the classic symbolism. “With the wind rose, it’s mostly just about the appearance,” says psychologist Hofmeister. Is one of the tips marked, does it bear an “N” for north? “She might be aligned with something on her body that means a lot to her, for example.” The anchor has a deeper meaning: “It often symbolizes longing for security and stability – for being firmly anchored in life.”


“Pure jewelry, often given meaning by the wearer,” explains the tattoo expert.


Stabbed into the skin, they can certainly be charged with meaning. “The lotus is in the Far Eastern world a symbol of beauty, a long life, rebirth. The rose often stands for love things, cherry blossoms for purity of body and soul,” says the psychologist. Could be a symbol of experiences or desires of the wearer – or does the woman learn about it only through you?


A heart is primarily a traditional love motif. It can stand for both good and bad experiences. Pay close attention to the design: a burning one symbolizes passion, temperament, one with damage of any form (broken, torn) possibly tells of injuries suffered or of pride and strength to have overcome them.


A saying is surely something like their motto. A name could be her friend – but also her child, her father or her idol. So, you don’t have to sound the retreat! “In the last 20 years, the number of tattooed lover names has plummeted,” says tattoo expert Hofmeister.

Asian characters used to be trendy and are often meant to say something. “Quite often they just look good, but are total nonsense in terms of content.


A tattooed animal usually symbolizes its characteristics. “Birds stand for freedom, predators for strength,” says Hofmeister. But this is by no means always easy to see through. For example, the very popular butterfly tattoo is “not so much about the ability to fly, but mostly about the ability to metamorphose. The woman wants to show in such a way that she is changeable or a change went through”, explains the psychologist.

You’ve met a new woman, but you’re not sure if you’re judging her correctly? Then take a closer look at her tattoos. Now you know what they mean.


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